Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's Smart Baking?

1. Simple baking
This starts from the recipe. There shouldn’t a tedious 20 ingredients list or steps to get to the final product. Having to plough through every supermarket aisle to buy ingredients then prepare and weigh 20 ingredients is quite a task. If it takes more than 10 steps to get to the final product, it’s too complicating...the chances of me baking this recipe more than twice will be minute. It’s definitely more enjoyable to bake recipes that are deliciously simple and fast.

2. Blissful baking
We don’t always have to leave a trail of mess or an overflowing sink after baking. There are many tricks in my chef hat to make baking enjoyable and hassle free. I love sharing shortcuts, tips and smart ideas on how to make baking a breeze. Being able to enjoy the process of baking makes it a ‘sustainable hobby’.

3. Healthy baking
This is me in my nutritionist mode- I love collecting recipes that taste fabulous and doesn’t go straight to the hips. That’s why i spend loads of time ‘discerning’ then creating healthier version of many all time favourites. I will share many of these ‘healthier’ recipes in my workshops.
I simply have to spread this love!

Smart Baking Demo and Hands-on workshops are held on most weekends.
Demo workshops will include:
- demo of 2-4 recipes
- recipe handouts
- tasting of final product and drinks to enjoy your treat with
- a sweet treat to bring home

Hands-on workshops will include:
- demo of 2-3 recipes

- quality ingredients, equipment and recipe handouts
- group hands-on session
- tasting of final product and a freshly brewed cuppa to enjoy your treats with
- tupperware because there’ll be some treats to bring home

If you need to more info about the workshops, pls email me at

Here are some pictures of the actual bake-site, it’s air-conditioned and fully equipped for Smart baking!

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